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This treatise provides comprehensive treatment of the laws that have developed under the federal Act, D.C., and various states.
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FPRRH provides relevant statutes, rules of court, and related references essential to the preparation and research of federal postconviction litigation.
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Step-by-step guidance to handling all the phases of prosecution in white collar criminal cases — grand jury, indictment, trial, and sentencing.
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This extensive treatise examines workouts and foreclosures throughout the country, from protecting interests before foreclosure to confirmation and redemption rights.
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This respected text is a resource for NEPA compliance and litigation; environmental reviews, impact statements, and EEU and Canadian assessments; and citizens’ suits.
Commentary and supporting material on all aspects of consumer protection in installment sales and consumer loan transactions. Book (Full Set) $2,412.00 |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Utah state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $5,948.00 |
Comprehensive coverage and analysis of all aspects of contract law, including historical underpinnings, majority and minority views, and modern trends.
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Use this text to quickly determine securities litigation damages.
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This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Kentucky state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $7,904.00 |