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Covers the process of offering securities for sale and the steps underwriters and attorneys should take to avoid personal liability.
Book (Full Set)
This work contains a compilation of articles that organize and evaluate all cases relevant to specific legal issues. Book (Full Set) $24,244.00 |
Includes background on Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations and enforcement. Provides step-by-step approach for avoiding or responding to an SEC action.
Book (Full Set)
This treatise explains the law of evidence and the discovery, production, and presentation of evidence for civil and criminal practice.
Book (Full Set)
This caselaw reporter contains decisions issued by the Ohio Supreme Court, plus headnotes and West Key Numbers. |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Pennsylvania state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $49,007.00 |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes classified according to West's® Key Number System, for Hawaii state and federal court decisions. Book (Full Set) $15,261.00 |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes classified according to West's® Key Number System, for state court cases. Book (Full Set) $45,942.00 |
A guide to understanding and interpreting consumer credit laws. Book (Full Set) $2,796.00 |
The most accurate, up to date text of Connecticut statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically.< Book (Full Set) $29,303.00 |