Can We Help?
This title contains laws from the most recent legislative session, legislative highlights, and useful tables for cross-referencing. |
This treatise provides a practice-oriented guide to all phases of Chapter 13 proceedings, from debtors' prefiling considerations through discharge, litigation, and appeals. |
Provides in-depth treatment and comprehensive coverage of the latest issues, regulations, legislation, and caselaws affecting entertainment and communications industries. Book $3,916.00 |
Handy source of Fifth and Sixth Amendment doctrines leads to the heart of criminal case law, including current criminal procedure.
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New edition Antitrust and American Business Abroad, 4th offers a historical perspective while focusing on today's international antitrust issues. Research bibliographies, where pertinent.
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This title shows how to adapt statistical analysis to evolving areas of employment discrimination law.
This text offers you helpful analysis and guidance for effective management of real estate investment trusts.
Explains how, when, and why to use oral and written discovery in employment discrimination actions.
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Comprehensive coverage of the Freedom of Information Act, conditions and limitations on access, exemptions, privacy, confidential business information, and more.
Book (Full Set)
Federal Appellate Practice: Ninth Circuit explains the appellate process in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. It offers succinct answers to practical questions concerning how to bring an appeal before the court.