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This case law reporter contains opinions issued by Maryland state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers and other editorial enhancements.

Book (Full Set)   $45,657.00

American Law Reports 3d-7th Series Table of Cases

Book (Full Set)   $5,102.00

The most accurate, up-to-date text of Illinois statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically.

Book (Full Set)   $40,185.00

Analyzes alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, such as arbitration, mediation, private judging, dispute review boards, partnering, and others.

Book (Full Set)   $1,538.00
ProView eBook   $1,841.00

The most accurate, up-to-date text of New Jersey statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically.

Book (Full Set)   $26,283.00

Review of banking crimes, including fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement. Offers guidance on bank and financial institution law enforcement.

Book (Full Set)   $2,084.00
ProView eBook   $1,812.00

These volumes track the organization of the Florida Uniform Commercial Code.

Book (Full Set)   $2,957.00

New edition This Pennsylvania set provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book (Full Set)   $413.00
ProView eBook   $375.00

Expert review of the federal rules of criminal procedure, criminal law, and court rules.

Book (Full Set)   $2,628.00
ProView eBook   $2,285.00

Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book (Full Set)   $282.00
ProView eBook   $238.00