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Comprehensive legal guidance and forms, supported by authoritative, up-to-date caselaw and statutes, to handle all aspects/types of motor vehicle accident cases.

Book (Full Set)   $4,217.00
ProView eBook   $6,378.00

Extensive resource on federal administrative practice, including checklists, forms, instructions, and citations to applicable statutes, government regulations, and significant cases.

Book (Full Set)   $2,743.00
ProView eBook   $2,743.00

This product contains authoritative, in-depth analysis of relevant law and procedures, plus comprehensive coverage of e-discovery and records management.

Book (Full Set)   $758.00
ProView eBook   $758.00

This publication provides new government contracting developments, frequent articles by practitioners, and analysis of key decisions from courts, boards of contract appeals, and the GAO.

Book (Full Set)
ProView eBook

This series updates Mississippi's legislative activity.

Book (Full Set)

An encyclopedia of medicine organized and written to meet the needs of the practicing attorney.

Book (Full Set)   $3,500.00

This work is a comprehensive encyclopedia of South Carolina law.

Book (Full Set)   $9,828.00

This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Florida state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements.

Book (Full Set)

The most accurate, up-to-date text of Nevada statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically.

Book (Full Set)   $12,243.00

This work is a detailed analysis of substantive and procedural legal issues arising from wrongful death cases.

Book (Full Set)   $714.00
ProView eBook   $714.00