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Provides the full text of new federal laws, Congressional Committee Reports, Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, Tables and Index. Book (Full Set) $2,060.00 |
This comprehensive text covers all federal, constitutional, and statutory limitations on local land use law, discussing defense strategies, doctrines, and remedies.
A complete digest of state and federal court cases summarized and classified according to the Key Number System®. Book (Full Set) $4,509.00 |
Covers free speech and free press issues, including history, theory, doctrine, and insights into cases and decisions. Includes citations and cross-references.
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This title is a comprehensive resource on international banking law and regulation.
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Handbook gives you correct answers to your evidentiary questions the first time and every time.
This work contains all federal tax regulations adopted through December 31, 2023. Book (Full Set) $8,169.00 |
This book provides a road map for anyone venturing into the world of schedule contracting. |
A detailed analysis of all areas of sex discrimination.
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This work is a comprehensive review of the law of confessions.