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This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Hawaii state courts, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. |
This comprehensive resource delivers a concise statement and critical examination of every major substantive subject of California statutory and decisional law.
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Contains in-depth feature articles that offer practical guidance to, and incisive analysis of, developments in bankruptcy case law. |
Handbook gives you correct answers to your evidentiary questions the first time and every time.
Learn how to avoid or remedy civil liabilities related to securities compliance violations.
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New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Step-by-step guide to psychiatric and psychological evidence, and how to use expert witnesses. Book $491.00 |
New edition A summary of traditional principles and contemporary labor law developments.
Book (Full Set)
The full text of the California Vehicle Code is incorporated into this portable pamphlet.
Authoritative coverage, analysis and commentary on every aspect of publicity and privacy. Includes state common law, and federal and foreign law.
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