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This product contains session laws from the West Virginia Legislature and provides updated information as new legislation is passed. |
This title gives you articles that organize and evaluate cases rather than simply provide you text of the case. Book (Full Set) $11,437.00 |
Provides session laws in Acts chapter order showing changed text, plus Kentucky Revised Statutes section numbers assigned by the Reviser of Statutes. Book (Full Set) $1,975.00 |
A complete legal guide on termination of employment that covers every step of the employer/employee relationship. |
Ready reference on the law of sentencing provides guidance in preparing and influencing the direction of the sentencing.
Book (Full Set)
Determine liability in medical malpractice cases more easily with strategies, procedural guidelines, and checklists contained in these three volumes.
Book (Full Set)
New Product The most accurate, up-to-date text of Tennessee statutes, fully annotated with legislative histories, notes of judicial decisions, and additional research aids. This code accelerates research by connecting information efficiently and logically. Book (Full Set) $3,094.00 |
A comprehensive resource providing detailed coverage of Texas civil and criminal law, both substantive and procedural. Book (Full Set) $42,474.00 |
Codes, rules, and regulations from more than 100 New York state departments and agencies. |
Coverage and analysis of sales law, including contracts, interpretations, warranties, privity, rescission, intent, remedies, trade usage terms, and arbitration clauses. Book (Full Set) $686.00 |