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This title provides analysis of legal developments in over-the-counter derivatives, futures, and option trading, including regulation, legislation, and litigation. |
This title includes coverage of all the important legal, legislative, and economic issues relating to the contemporary secondary mortgage market.
New second edition provides a comprehensive, concise, and authoritative analysis of the law of director and officer indemnification and insurance.
In-depth coverage of the topics to consider in any bankruptcy proceeding including litigation, jurisdiction, contested matters, and injunctive relief.
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This work provides you with up-to-date summaries of employment law changes. |
Stay current with important toxic torts developments and review the basics with this second edition.
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New edition This is a reference for business attorneys who structure entertainment deals, negotiate contracts, or litigate disputes involving the entertainment industry.
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Quick-answer resource and in-depth analysis concerning personal injury law.
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Expert authors examine the tactical and substantive issues inherent in a homicide arrest and trial, including criminal law and procedure. Book (Full Set) $3,318.00 |
Firearms Law Deskbook helps prosecutors and defense attorneys identify various firearms offenses based on caselaw and unpublished agency decisions.
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