Can We Help?
New edition A guide to attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine as applied to corporations, providing practical suggestions for protecting corporate communications and discovering them.
New edition This ready reference provides quick answers on how to effectively handle courtroom setbacks in a criminal trial.
This series updates New Jersey's legislative activity. |
New edition Complete text of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Includes expert explanation and analysis of each guide to enhance understanding applications.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This practical handbook quickly explains day-to-day or complex OSHA questions.
New edition This handbook is indispensable to anyone involved in negotiating, auditing, and litigating contracts subject to the Truth in Negotiations Act.
New edition This title provides a guide to practicing under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in federal criminal cases.
New edition This book contains the complete text of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended through Public Law 118-274 of the 118th Congress.
Book (Full Set)
New edition A summary of traditional principles and contemporary labor law developments.
Book (Full Set)
This newsletter covers topics ranging from trade secrets to Internet and technology issues, as well as recent developments and checklists. |