Can We Help?
This guide is a thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting civil trials in federal courts.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This work covers issues relating to computer software and the often–obscure intersections between intellectual property law and contract, tax, and consumer law.
Book (Full Set)
This work approaches the copyright application process from the viewpoint of the copyright attorney.
Kansas Court Rules and Procedure - State provides rules essential to practice before the state courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
Contains the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the complete rules for the courts of appeals in each federal circuit.
New edition Antitrust and American Business Abroad, 4th offers a historical perspective while focusing on today's international antitrust issues. Research bibliographies, where pertinent.
Book (Full Set)
New edition A guide to attorney-client privilege and the work product doctrine as applied to corporations, providing practical suggestions for protecting corporate communications and discovering them.
Discusses how major civil rights statutes apply to state and local governments, particularly how to prevent and/or defend against liability.
Book (Full Set)
This compilation of federal court case abstracts, organized by subject matter, deals with important asylum and asylum-related issues.
Extensive resource on federal jury practice and instructions, answering common questions, and providing citations, practice tips, and forms. |