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This product contains the official text of the NYCRR pertaining to environmental conservation, supplemented with case notes.

Book (Full Set)   $72.24

This bi-monthly newsletter focuses on cost and pricing developments, as well as in-depth case analysis, statutes, and regulations.

Book (Full Set)

Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law.

Book (Full Set)

This product contains the official text of the NYCRR pertaining to environmental conservation, supplemented with case notes.

Book (Full Set)   $72.24

These session laws from the current legislative session, plus court orders, also include cumulative supplement tables.

Book (Full Set)

Complete library of Uniform Commercial Code cases from all federal, state, and U.S. possession jurisdictions. Includes state variations tables and fee tables.

Book (Full Set)

This set contains updates of legislative activity in the Delaware Legislature.

Book (Full Set)

This newsletter provides information, strategies, and expert legal analysis of current trends and hot topics in the ever-growing segment of the U.S. financial system pertaining to electronic commerce and internet banking.

Book (Full Set)

Provides prompt and accurate access to amended and newly enacted laws of the state of Washington, through a pamphlet series.

Book (Full Set)

Newsletter summarizes recent state and federal criminal cases and legislation.

Book (Full Set)