Can We Help?
This edition contains the full text of the California Commercial Code.
This title contains the entire text of the California Evidence Code.
This manual provides comprehensive, authoritative, and timely analysis of both business and consumer bankruptcy laws and rules of procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This volume contains the full text of California Corporations Code and selected regulations from CCR Title 10. Book $143.00 |
This pamphlet contains the complete text of the California Civil Code.
This portable volume contains the complete text of the California Code of Civil Procedure.
This pamphlet contains the complete text of the California Probate Code along with selected provisions from other relevant codes.
This source contains legislative history, editorial commentary, annotations of significant decisions for each Bankruptcy Code section and rule, and more.
Book (Full Set)
Informed examination of the pretrial discovery sequence, including advice on strategies, tactics, protective orders, witnesses, and winning the judge's approval.
New edition Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.