Can We Help?
This title contains the Federal Acquisition Regulation Parts 1 to 53.
This title provides explanation and analysis of California law on crimes, punishment, and criminal procedure.
Book (Full Set)
This publication offers tips on the seizure of incriminating evidence and on making sure your search and seizure holds up in court. |
Complete coverage of deposition practice and procedure, providing strategies and techniques, extensive forms, worksheets, outlines, checklists and sample pleadings.
New edition This work digests hundreds of laws, consisting of thousands of pages of content. Laws covered include telemarketing and email marketing, wiretap and eavesdropping, biometric children's privacy, spyware and adware online privacy. Book $278.00 |
Shows how the intellectual property practitioner can protect biotechnological inventions by bringing them into the intellectual property system.
Book (Full Set)
Thoroughly covers spectrum of maritime personal injury law, from parties involved in a suit through the post-trial procedures.
Book (Full Set)
Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.
Detailed and informed reference outlining key aspects of international transactions, with in-depth treatment of securities, tax, and antitrust issues.
Book (Full Set)
This convenient treatise provides a fundamental overview of U.S. zoning history, along with current zoning, planning, and subdivision control policy.
Book (Full Set)