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New edition This work has been the authoritative source for explaining U.S. trademark law for 50 years — with clear, concise analyses of cases and statutes and advice on registering and protecting trademarks.
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New edition This text is a complete reference on the theory and practice of tax planning and compliance for consolidated groups. |
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition This title is an authoritative analysis of the rules and theory of the law of evidence, with a pragmatic approach.
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New edition Defines tax terms, words, and phrases used in modern American tax law, providing a working knowledge of over 6,000 expressions.
New edition Articles and developments dealing with a variety of topics pertinent to modern bankruptcy practice. Book $3,672.00 |
New edition Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law provides analysis of the intersection of intellectual property rights and U.S. antitrust law.
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A guide for navigating through conflicting USCIS and OSC policies and ensuring that employer clients are safe from fines and penalties.
This is a reference for business attorneys who structure entertainment deals, negotiate contracts, or litigate disputes involving the entertainment industry.
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Practice-proven tips and advice on bringing an appeal efficiently and profitably, and the tactics and procedures for structuring winning arguments.