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Ready reference on the law of sentencing provides guidance in preparing and influencing the direction of the sentencing.
Book (Full Set)
C.J.S. is a continuously revised and updated legal encyclopedia offering a classic, authoritative analysis of American law and jurisprudence as derived from reported cases, legislation, and regulations. Book (Full Set) $80,835.00 |
A collection of selected forms from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, U.S. courts of appeals, and U.S. district courts. Book (Full Set) $5,212.00 |
Provides session laws in Acts chapter order showing changed text, plus Kentucky Revised Statutes section numbers assigned by the Reviser of Statutes. Book (Full Set) $1,975.00 |
Thorough guidance on application of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, including case analysis and citations to law review literature.
Book (Full Set)
This title gives you articles that organize and evaluate cases rather than simply provide you text of the case. Book (Full Set) $11,498.00 |
Provides valuable, practice-oriented insight into the full array of legal issues, statutes, and precedents relating to attorneys' fees.
Comprehensive and incisive coverage of the latest case-affecting news needed to advise clients with authority and expertise. |
This newsletter provides updated information on antitrust and trade regulation law, and advice and assistance on counseling and compliance programs. |
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Kentucky state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $7,904.00 |