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A collection of selected forms from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, U.S. courts of appeals, and U.S. district courts. Book (Full Set) $5,212.00 |
Coverage and analysis of sales law, including contracts, interpretations, warranties, privity, rescission, intent, remedies, trade usage terms, and arbitration clauses. Book (Full Set) $686.00 |
Thorough guidance on application of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, including case analysis and citations to law review literature.
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Companion forms for California Real Estate, 4th, covering traditional aspects of California real estate law transactions.
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Overview of the grand jury process, including answers to questions on grand jury practice from the prosecutor's and defense’s perspective.
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Provides a guide to the laws of automobile liability insurance, including a state-by-state guide to no-fault and other insurance laws.
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This work is the only official compilation of the rules and regulations adopted by Virginia agencies. |
Practical guide to modern sports law includes statutes, case law, league developments, contracts, injuries, eligibility, disciplinary rules, and more. Book (Full Set) $3,931.00 |
American Law Reports 3rd Edition, ALR Series is an ongoing series of in-depth legal research articles or annotations on particular issues of state law. Book (Full Set) $4,885.00 |
This guide offers a thorough, authoritative treatment of the issues and questions confronting practitioners who are preparing for or conducting civil or criminal trials in federal courts. Book (Full Set) $1,914.00 |