Can We Help?
New edition This comprehensive reference gives you in-depth analysis and practical guidance on the implications and applications of contemporary fraud law.
This series updates Hawaii's legislative activity. |
This set provides the full text of new federal laws, Congressional Committee Reports, Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, and Federal Regulations. |
This series updates Maine's legislative activity. |
This series updates the District of Columbia's legislative activity. |
New edition This compact work provides easy access to the latest federal criminal code sections and rules of criminal procedure, including current amendments.
This title contains the full text of Wisconsin legislation and provisions that are not general and permanent in nature. |
This title is a compilation of every bid protest and procurement ruling issued during the previous month, plus analytical Indexes. |
This series updates legislative activity in the state of Illinois. |
This extensive semimonthly advisor summarizes significant legal developments within the construction industry, providing regular, up-to-date information. |