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This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription provides pertinent case law annotations listed by jurisdiction from ALR®.


This title provides clear, concise treatment of procedural and substantive aspects of trial, plus fast access to the basic principles of Arkansas trial law and guidance on how to apply them.

Book (Full Set)   $516.00
ProView eBook   $516.00

This work provides model jury instructions for use in Arkansas civil cases.

eBook - ProView $853.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law.


This edition covers the process of collecting and distributing a decedent's assets in Arkansas, from pre-death planning to taxes.

Book   $404.00
ProView eBook   $404.00

This title gives you a thorough overview of damages law in Arkansas.

Book (Full Set)   $302.00
ProView eBook   $302.00

This series updates Arkansas's legislative activity.


Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book (Full Set)   $374.00
ProView eBook   $340.00

Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book (Full Set)   $180.00
ProView eBook   $180.00

Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.

Book   $240.00
ProView eBook   $240.00