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California law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.

This title provides ready-to-cite authorities on discovery objections, privileges, and the legal validity of proposed or received discovery inquiries.

Book   $311.00
ProView eBook   $311.00

This comprehensive resource delivers a concise statement and critical examination of every major substantive subject of California statutory and decisional law.

Book (Full Set)   $2,725.00
ProView eBook   $2,725.00

A practical compilation of California civil practice forms arranged in order by related Civil Code section numbers.

Book (Full Set)   $1,716.00

This publication provides the complete text of Title 15 (Crime Prevention and Corrections), which includes regulations as they pertain to our correctional residents and staff who oversee the facilities.


Hardbound set contains cases determined in the California Courts of Appeal and Appellate Departments of the Superior Court.


This manual provides expert guidance on the fundamentals of handling workers' compensation cases. It includes sample forms, hundreds of real-life examples, and instructive practice pointers.

Book   $218.00

This resource provides you how-to guidance and valuable insight on litigating insurance bad faith cases in California.

Book   $447.00

The Air Resource Package provides significant air quality regulations for California, with a primary focus on reducing air emissions and improving the quality of the environment.


This essential companion to TRG California Practice Guide: Family Law contains more than 250 forms, including detailed declarations and points and authorities.

Book (Full Set)   $434.00
ProView eBook   $434.00