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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
This work is a fully integrated treatment of corporate law, federal and state securities law, and tax considerations. It covers formation, operations, and dissolution. |
Get all forms related to code topics in this multivolume companion set to West's® Annotated California Codes. Book (Full Set) $2,911.00 |
This complete collection contains companion forms to West's® Annotated California Codes, and is specific to the Family Code. Book (Full Set) $632.00 |
This publication provides the the law and regulations from the Department of Rehabilitation, Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Department of Mental Health. |
This edition contains the full text of the California Commercial Code.
This publication provides the official regulations issued by the State Personnel Board that pertain to California state employees. Book $264.00 |
This title contains the entire text of the California Evidence Code.
This publication provides the official California regulations pertaining to construction safety. |
Some of California's leading judges provide critical information on the proceedings that follow judgment in a civil trial. Book (Full Set) $386.00 |