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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
This two-volume publication contains the complete text of the California Business and Professions Code. Book (Full Set) $178.00 |
This publication provides the complete text of Title 18 (Public Revenues), which contains regulations from the State Board of Equalization, the State Controller, and the Franchise Tax Board. |
Administrative forms related to Business and Professions Code sections. Book (Full Set) $946.00 |
New edition Complete review of motions used in California's court system; suggestions for effectively making, supporting, and opposing motions.
This publication provides official California regulations that are valuable for anyone working in housing or community development fields. |
This publication provides the complete regulations found in Title 8 (Industrial Relations), which covers standards in the workplace to decrease the potential for injury, including regulations set by Cal/OSHA. |
Complete set of motions, points and authorities, and jury instructions in this multivolume criminal set with expert commentary. |
Overview of California insurance law includes synopses and analyses of every insurance law decision, cross-references, and commentary.
Book (Full Set)
This product is a basic guide to trial objections in California. Its pocket-size is designed for quick courtroom reference. Book $176.00 |
This set contains a complete collection of transactional forms for the practice of family law. Book (Full Set) $4,840.00 |