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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.
This title contains the complete text of the California Insurance Code, along with a schedule of fees and charges.
This publication provides the regulations pertaining to California’s usually complicated public utilities and energy industry. |
This work provides a collection of transaction forms for the practice of business law in California. Book (Full Set) $7,805.00 |
This title contains the complete text of the California Water Code in a portable pamphlet.
This comprehensive deskbook provides a practical reference for excluding prejudicial trial evidence.
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
Quickly locate information needed to file court documents in all 58 counties in California with this compact directory. Book (Full Set) $1,363.00 |
This two-volume publication contains a comprehensive collection of California and federal statutes, rules of court, and regulations relating to juveniles.
Book (Full Set)
This two-volume publication provides the complete text of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, as well as selected provisions of the California Constitutions and the Code of Regulations. Book (Full Set) $158.00 |
This trusted resource offers one-stop guidance through insurance-related disputes, including policy interpretation, first- and third-party coverages, bad faith and extracontractual liability, and a dedicated chapter on practice and procedure.
Book (Full Set)