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California law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.

This weekly e-newsletter covers the latest opinions of California appellate courts and federal courts that affect California family law.


Using a wide range of research tools, veteran attorney John K. Hanft demonstrates the most effective legal research methods available.

Book   $75.00

This reference guide provides a systematic approach to evidence designed to help attorneys develop automatic trial reflexes and perfect courtroom skills.

Book   $566.00

Companion forms for California Real Estate, 4th, covering traditional aspects of California real estate law transactions.

Book (Full Set)   $937.00
ProView eBook   $937.00

This Aspatore product provides an in-depth guide to retail leasing, offering practical guidance on topics common to commercial leases.

Book   $125.00

Emphasizing California law, this easy-to-use reference covers topics ranging from DNA biology and testing technology to cutting-edge legal issues.

Book   $469.00
ProView eBook   $469.00

This monthly magazine provides reviews of, and commentary on, all California family law cases and influential federal family law cases.

Book (Full Set)

This resource provides you how-to guidance and valuable insight on litigating insurance bad faith cases in California.

Book   $447.00

BAJI has been recognized for more than 50 years as the source for civil jury instructions in California.

Book (Full Set)   $346.00
ProView eBook   $346.00

This practice book covers every aspect of California criminal procedure, from arrest and arraignment through sentencing and appeal.

Book (Full Set)   $840.00
ProView eBook   $840.00