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California law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive California legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for California attorneys.

This publication provides California regulations pertaining to the licensing and certification of health facilities in the state.


This publication provides the official regulations pertaining to California Harbors and Navigation, including the training and licensing of pilots.


This publication provides the complete text of Title 22 (Social Security), which includes regulations with compliance information from the Employment Development Department, Department of Aging, and Department of Social Services.


The Air Resource Package provides significant air quality regulations for California, with a primary focus on reducing air emissions and improving the quality of the environment.


Substantive rights and remedies, plus procedures, under California's unfair competition and false advertising laws. Also covers Consumers Legal Remedies Act.

Book   $327.00
ProView eBook   $327.00

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides California cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®.


Written for California paralegals by two Los Angeles Superior Court judges, this manual is designed to acquaint paralegals with the basics of personal injury litigation.

Book   $218.00

This Aspatore legal title for California provides practitioners with a comprehensive explanation of all aspects of tree law.

Book   $80.00

This publication provides the complete text of Title 15 (Crime Prevention and Corrections), which includes regulations as they pertain to our correctional residents and staff who oversee the facilities.


This publication provides official regulations pertaining to the use of pesticides and pest control operations in California.

Book   $156.00