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Provides comprehensive, plain-language medical explanations, medical authority, and full-color illustrations necessary to evaluate medical issues arising in any case. Book (Full Set) $7,421.00 |
Examination of the estate planning and international tax problems of nonresident aliens in the United States and American citizens living abroad.
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This comprehensive treatise features updated coverage of federal and state land title law. Book (Full Set) $1,125.00 |
Contains a balanced, comprehensive collection of writings by experts in insurance coverage litigation.
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Complete survey of the law relating to emotional injuries.
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American Law Reports 1st Blue Book, ALR Series annotations stay current with these updates. **NOTE: Vols. 1 and 2 are out of print. Volume 12 was issued in 2016 covering 2011-2016. Book (Full Set) $753.00 |
Keep up with government contracting requirements using case studies, recommendations, examples, and an explanation of the elements of compliance with this work. The current update is written by attorneys at Seyfarth Shaw and by Kevin Phelps.
This authoritative set provides a foundation for building successful products liability cases. Book (Full Set) $26,871.00 |
Comprehensive coverage of domestic and international asset protection strategies. |
This Key Number Digest contains headnotes, classified according to West's® Key Number System, for U.S. Supreme Court cases. Book (Full Set) $22,392.00 |