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In this Aspatore government relations title, government officials discuss leading the national system of state and federal veterans' programs. Book $80.00 |
In this Aspatore legal title, partners from leading law firms reveal their strategies for preparing and litigating toxic tort cases. Book $90.00 |
This title provides proven techniques for preventing and fighting oppressive conduct toward minority shareholders.
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This source contains legislative history, editorial commentary, annotations of significant decisions for each Bankruptcy Code section and rule, and more.
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Informed examination of the pretrial discovery sequence, including advice on strategies, tactics, protective orders, witnesses, and winning the judge's approval.
Covers health, safety, and environmental regulatory programs affecting the chemical industry and the people exposed to its products and by-products.
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This Aspatore legal title provides an authoritative, insiders perspective on understanding the goal of reinsurance and navigating its regulatory complexities. Book $75.00 |
Unannotated version of the PTO-issued Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure Book $164.00 |
New edition Examines the differences among piercing doctrines in various states and federal courts.
This WestlawNext™ subscription gives you convenient online access to all federal and state case docket information available on Westlaw. |