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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a wide-ranging selection of federal law resources including hardbound and softbound law books, ProView eBooks, legal encyclopedias and legal software solutions.
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $1,039.00 |
Provides the text of the latest version of the uniform criminal laws with annotations to state case law. Book (Full Set) $2,863.00 |
This manual provides comprehensive, authoritative, and timely analysis of both business and consumer bankruptcy laws and rules of procedure.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This convenient guide covers a full range of day-to-day legal issues in health care.
New edition Methods for discovering, evaluating, preparing, and presenting engineering evidence for litigation.
Book (Full Set)
This Pennsylvania set provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
Book (Full Set)
This manual is a comprehensive guide to trying Social Security disability claims in federal court.
A comprehensive treatise that focuses on warranty law as a unified subject.
Book (Full Set)
This text covers judicial, legislative, and administrative developments relevant to public, private, and extraterritorial resales, especially Rule 144.
This volume deals exclusively with transactional aspects of domestic relations.
Book (Full Set)