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Florida law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Florida legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Florida attorneys.

These volumes discuss Florida procedural and substantive criminal law.

Book (Full Set)   $15,562.00

This work is a comprehensive guide to tort practice in Florida.

Book (Full Set)   $5,636.00

These volumes contain discussion of Florida law dealing with personal injury and torts.

Book (Full Set)   $8,681.00

Provides you with a review of case law and legislation, with broad references to other materials affecting each subject.

Book (Full Set)   $618.00
ProView eBook   $618.00

These volumes discuss Florida procedural and substantive family law and include the most frequently used Florida family law forms.

Book (Full Set)   $7,379.00

This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by Florida state courts, plus West headnotes, key numbers, and other editorial enhancements.

Book (Full Set)   $6,391.00

Covers the law of guardianship in detail, providing substantive answers and procedural guidance.

Book (Full Set)   $434.00
ProView eBook   $434.00

These volumes cover the procedural and substantive aspects of Florida criminal law.

Book (Full Set)   $15,594.00

This subscription provides unlimited access to the content from Florida Jurisprudence, 2d, a comprehensive encyclopedia of Florida law.
