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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Illinois legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Illinois attorneys.
This multivolume set provides comprehensive statutes from the latest adjourned session of the Illinois Legislature. Book (Full Set) $408.00 |
New edition This work contains the text of 750 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, plus selected family law related statutes and rules.
This set offers in-depth coverage of Illinois family law, as well as useful forms and research aids. eBook - ProView $1,176.00 |
Pamphlet contains the full text of the Probate Act and other Illinois laws governing probate and trust matters. eBook - ProView $307.00 |
This excellent research tool provides concise summaries and extensive references for a wide variety of Illinois cases utilizing jury instructions. eBook - ProView $588.00 |
This resource provides an in-depth index to the Illinois Practice Series. Book $680.00 |
This title presents a compilation of Illinois rules relevant to civil practice.
This work contains criminal and motor vehicle codes, as well as related practical laws relevant for law enforcement officers.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Full text of Illinois Criminal Code, including Chapter 720 "Criminal Offenses," and Chapter 725 "Criminal Procedure," plus related statutes.
New edition Pamphlet contains the full text of the Probate Act and other Illinois laws governing probate and trust matters.