Can We Help?
This text provides statutes, annotations, and author commentary pertaining to real property law in Indiana. Book (Full Set) $718.00 |
This is a comprehensive guide to family law practice. |
This series updates Indiana's legislative activity. |
This set offers comprehensive coverage of Indiana rules of trial procedure, with annotations and research aids. Book (Full Set) $1,245.00 |
This multivolume set is a comprehensive guide to business law in Indiana. Book (Full Set) $1,422.00 |
Contains strategy and tactics for use in appellate court proceedings.
Book (Full Set)
Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
This is a compilation of Indiana statutes and court rules pertaining to evidence with author's commentary.
This title compiles the primary sources of laws affecting Indiana Civil Procedure.
This pamphlet compiles the primary sources of Indiana laws and rules relating to families.