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Louisiana law products

Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Louisiana legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Louisiana attorneys.

This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law.


This title is both an expansion and a continuation of the coverage on civil procedure provided in Vol. 1.


This caselaw reporter contains Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi state court opinions, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers.

Book (Full Set)   $14,985.00

Provides a system to schedule, document, and complete divorce actions in a time- and cost-saving manner that is practical and up-to-date.

eBook - ProView

This product identifies and explains all aspects of Louisiana's Code of Civil Procedure.

Book (Full Set)   $3,078.00
ProView eBook   $3,078.00

This new addition to the Louisiana Civil Law Treatise Series provides the only comprehensive treatise-level treatment of the law of sales in Louisiana.

Book (Full Set)   $350.00
ProView eBook   $350.00

This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Louisiana termination motions such as summary judgment or dismissal.

Book   $742.00
ProView eBook   $742.00

This companion to the print version of this product contains over 290 model documents for your use.


Analysis of the law of predial servitudes presenting the most coherent and systematic statement of Louisiana property law.

Book (Full Set)   $369.00
ProView eBook   $369.00

Provides in-depth analysis of all aspects of Louisiana property law.

Book (Full Set)   $652.00
ProView eBook   $652.00