Can We Help?
Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive Louisiana legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for Louisiana attorneys.
This product provides a convenient, portable, and substantive source of jury instructions for Louisiana civil cases. |
Designed as a handbook for the Louisiana practitioner working with construction law issues, this product provides thorough analysis and citations.
This reference guide provides useful forms and substantive law references for soon-to-be or already commissioned notary publics.
Gives you a quick reference on Louisiana corporate law at all stages of corporate existence, plus forms for your use.
Book (Full Set)
Provides a system to schedule, document, and complete divorce actions in a time- and cost-saving manner that is practical and up-to-date.
Book (Full Set)
Provides a practical reference for handling civil cases in Louisiana.
This title is a compilation of criminal forms drawn from attorneys within Louisiana and throughout the rest of the country. |
This authoritative product is devoted specifically to Louisiana in limine motions.
This publication provides a detailed overview of existing programs, and a guide for dealing with environmental compliance issues.
A guide for legal professionals and others who want to know more about the legal principles behind the legislative process. |