Can We Help?
This work is a practical guide to every critical aspect of practicing trial law in Maryland.
Book (Full Set)
This case law reporter contains decisions issued by the Maryland Appellate Court, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. |
This case law reporter contains state court opinions from nine Eastern states and the District of Columbia, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book (Full Set) $14,434.00 |
This reporter contains decisions issued by the Maryland Supreme Court, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides District of Columbia/Maryland/Virginia cases, court orders, rules, statutes, and KeyCite®. |
This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription gives you unlimited access to materials providing detailed analysis and guidance on all types of employment discrimination. |
This subscription gives you access to appellate briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Tax Court, and U.S. courts of appeals. |
This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription provides pertinent case law annotations listed by jurisdiction from ALR®. |
This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing Maryland termination motions such as summary judgment or dismissal. eBook - ProView $742.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law. |