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This product consists of five volumes containing forms for use in Michigan civil practice, and supporting text discussing the underlying law.

Book (Full Set)   $2,183.00

This set assists you in complying with Michigan court rules and preparing the proper forms.

Book (Full Set)   $3,389.00

This case law reporter contains state court opinions from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Book (Full Set)   $26,400.00

This work provides the Michigan Penal Code, Vehicle Code, other selected Michigan statutes, the Uniform Traffic Code, and alcohol-testing regulations.

Book (Full Set)   $301.00
ProView eBook   $342.00

Designed for use in the office or courtroom, this pamphlet brings together in one convenient publication the statutes, rules, and administrative materials relating to Michigan probate law.

Book   $956.00
ProView eBook   $615.00

The official reporter of the Michigan Court of Appeals contains decisions, special orders, and opinions.

Book (Full Set)   $269.00

Clear guidance through the maze of rules, regulations, and operating authority of every significant public agency in Michigan.

Book   $1,993.00
ProView eBook   $7,016.00

The official reporter of the Michigan Supreme Court contains decisions, opinions, special orders, and orders in cases.


This set provides a concise review of major areas of Michigan civil law. It was reissued in loose-leaf format in 2005.

Book (Full Set)   $1,942.00

Streamline your civil litigation with predrafted forms on CD, practice-proven and court-accepted.