Can We Help?
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |
Quickly locate pertinent Michigan criminal law, including statutes, and court rules.
This product provides feedback from some leading legal minds on challenges of working with foreclosed properties in the Michigan market. Book $25.00 |
This book is a comprehensive manual on effective representation of a citizen accused of drunken driving in Michigan. The material includes a primer on chemical testing. Book $739.00 |
Analyzes Michigan search and seizure law in light of the Fourth Amendment.
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law. |
Hundreds of proven forms help you efficiently handle any business transacted under the Uniform Commercial Code, as adopted by Michigan. Book (Full Set) $1,617.00 |
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |
This title provides the unannotated text of Michigan statutes. Book (Full Set) $4,212.00 |
This title consists of a bound volume of session laws from the most recent legislative session. Book (Full Set) $1,864.00 |