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An essential source on individual rights provided by the U.S. Constitution.
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on the range of international real estate deals and the clients who initiate them. Book $80.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on best practices for representing corporate clients in the mergers and acquisitions negotiation process. Book $95.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides a concise, easy-to-navigate path through the complex rules applicable to postdeath transmission of retirement benefits. Book $115.00 |
This Aspatore business title clarifies the interaction between state and federal securities laws and explains offering terminology in plain English. Book $30.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides an authoritative insider's perspective on best practices for enforcing the laws in Indian country. Book $85.00 |
This Aspatore product discusses best practices for outsourcing various corporate functions. Book $34.95 |
This source contains legislative history, editorial commentary, annotations of significant decisions for each Bankruptcy Code section and rule, and more.
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This Aspatore legal title provides feedback on the legal ramifications of digital harassment and how best to prevent cyberbullying. Book $25.00 |
This book examines the legal aspects of important family law topics as applied to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.