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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a comprehensive collection of national law resources for attorneys and students alike. Choose from hardbound or softbound law books, ProView eBooks, and guides filtered by law practice area and find the law book that best suits your legal needs.
Comprehensive set of Uniform Commercial Code forms with complete Code text, detailed expert analysis, plus pinpointed state variations and annotations to cases. Book (Full Set) $1,217.00 |
This Aspatore legal title discusses admissions and hiring practices, conflicts between school rules and legislation, and concerns when spending funds. Book $70.00 |
This Aspatore legal title provides perspective on trends involving the role of social media for both the prosecution and defense. Book $85.00 |
This library traces litigation between contractors and branches of government such as bid protests and payment disputes. |
This Aspatore legal title looks at challenging convictions, the odds for defendants to win, and postconviction relief. Book $80.00 |
Helps you research statutes thoroughly with an easy-to-read, single-screen display of statute's life cycle. |
This title provides proven techniques for preventing and fighting oppressive conduct toward minority shareholders.
Book (Full Set)
Access to state specific (for all 50 states) and national forms, checklists and clauses. |
A start-to-finish guide for proving that a product is defective and causes injury or even death.
Book (Full Set)
Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law. |