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National law books

Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a comprehensive collection of national law resources for attorneys and students alike. Choose from hardbound or softbound law books, ProView eBooks, and guides filtered by law practice area and find the law book that best suits your legal needs.

A collection of articles on all aspects of corporate law including cutting-edge corporate legal theory.

Book (Full Set)

This monthly newsletter contains case summaries of recent significant Uniform Commercial Code-related decisions included in UCC Reporting Service 2d.

Book (Full Set)

Monthly newsletter keeps you up to date on all termination of employment changes and interpretations.

Book (Full Set)

This product, published 6 times per year, delivers in-depth case analysis and commentary on class action lawsuits.

Book (Full Set)

A newsletter providing in-depth analysis of recent significant cases in corporate law.

Book (Full Set)

This newsletter reports on the latest court decisions, ongoing litigation, federal/state legislation and regulation, and industry trends.

Book (Full Set)

This monthly newsletter covers news and commentary relevant to practitioners of elder law.

Book (Full Set)

Comprehensive and incisive coverage of the latest case-affecting news needed to advise clients with authority and expertise.

Book (Full Set)

This bi-monthly newsletter focuses on cost and pricing developments, as well as in-depth case analysis, statutes, and regulations.

Book (Full Set)

Detailed monthly report provides current coverage of the law, procedure, trends, and developments evolving in search and seizure law.

Book (Full Set)