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Legal Solutions by Thomson Reuters offers a comprehensive collection of national law resources for attorneys and students alike. Choose from hardbound or softbound law books, ProView eBooks, and guides filtered by law practice area and find the law book that best suits your legal needs.
This title provides analysis of legal developments in over-the-counter derivatives, futures, and option trading, including regulation, legislation, and litigation. |
New edition This text covers judicial, legislative, and administrative developments relevant to public, private, and extraterritorial resales, especially Rule 144.
This title helps you understand medical terms faster with plain-language definitions and anatomic illustrations created specifically for attorneys. Book (Full Set) $1,705.00 |
This tax guide provides insightful tax analysis for drafters of legal and business contracts, agreements, and instruments. Book (Full Set) $712.00 |
This work indexes all the volumes in the American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts series. Book (Full Set) $3,795.00 |
New edition Guide to expanding area of negligence law—from general concepts of comparative negligence to relevant law of each jurisdiction. Two volumes.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This practical, multistate guide to construction accident litigation examines liability and indemnity, discussing their interpretation and application in various jurisdictions.
New edition Comprehensive resource on how to work with the Appeals Division of the IRS.
Book (Full Set)
New edition This book discusses how intellectual property law protects entertainment-related intellectual property.
New edition This book covers lobbying laws, election and campaign finance issues, and related tax and constitutional issues.