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This reporter contains decisions issued by the New Jersey Supreme Court and the New Jersey Superior Court, plus headnotes, West Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. |
This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription gives you unlimited access to materials providing detailed analysis and guidance on all types of employment discrimination. |
This practical guide covers procedural and substantive aspects of trial law. Includes analyses of civil case law, rules, and statutes.
Book (Full Set)
Practical guide to debtor-creditor law covers statutes, rules, and case citations and includes expert commentary, practice tips, forms, and guidelines.
Book (Full Set)
This reporter contains decisions issued by the New Jersey Tax Court and the Superior Court, Appellate Division. |
This Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ subscription provides pertinent case law annotations listed by jurisdiction from ALR®. |
Practical “how to” guide for the general practitioner to everyday legal transactions, proceedings, and actions. Includes useful forms and tables.
Book (Full Set)
This reporter contains decisions issued by the New Jersey Tax Court and the Superior Court, Appellate Division. |
This subscription gives you access to appellate briefs filed in the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Tax Court, and U.S. courts of appeals. |
This reporter contains decisions issued by the New Jersey Supreme Court, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers and other editorial enhancements. |