Can We Help?
Complete, accurate forms and practical drafting advice for all aspects of civil litigation in New Jersey. Includes sample complaints, interrogatories, and motions. |
This resource analyzes the elements of various causes of action, and includes defenses, checklists, pleadings, and jury instructions and verdicts.
These volumes provide a quick and easy guide to New Jersey insurance statutory law.
Book (Full Set)
This title compiles New Jersey’s statutes and rules relating to criminal law in one take-along pamphlet. eBook - ProView $471.00 |
This work provides you with an overview of traffic and criminal offenses for practice in municipal courts.
Book (Full Set)
A comprehensive guide to the substantive law of state and local taxation. Includes reported decisions, relevant statutes, and regulations. Book $862.00 |
This authoritative product covers New Jersey in limine motions.
This New Jersey title provides comprehensive coverage of motor vehicle law and related topics.
Book (Full Set)
This guide provides a practical reference for making or opposing New Jersey termination motions such as summary judgment or dismissal. Book $828.00 |
This treatise discusses personal injury law in New Jersey, and is a valuable resource for New Jersey personal injury attorneys.