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This annotated version is intended to provide the user with a practical, portable and easy-to-use resource for legal research. Book $571.00 |
A comprehensive guide to the substantive law of state and local taxation. Includes reported decisions, relevant statutes, and regulations. Book $862.00 |
This handbook contains selected statutes, regulations, and rules from the U.S. Code, New Jersey Statutes Annotated, CFR, New Jersey Administrative Code, and New Jersey Rules of Court. Book $331.00 |
This New Jersey title provides comprehensive coverage of motor vehicle law and related topics.
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This product provides analysis of every type of attorney misconduct dealt with by the New Jersey Supreme Court since 1947.
Contains the complete text of estate and probate law, selected related statutes, and rules of court.
This New Jersey KeyRules title provides outlines of the procedural laws needed to draft, file, and serve common civil court filings quickly and correctly. Book $180.00 |
Provides the complete text of state civil and criminal court rules with exhaustive practice commentary, case citations, and rules interpretations.
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Practical, comprehensive guide organizes and analyzes the administrative law statutes, court and agency decisions, rules, regulations, forms, and procedures.
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New edition These volumes provide a quick and easy guide to New Jersey insurance statutory law.
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