Can We Help?
Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive New York legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for New York attorneys.
This practice guide covers all aspects of prosecuting or defending a construction accident personal injury claim.
Extensive reference providing step-by-step guidance for every phase and all types of New York criminal cases. eBook - ProView $1,209.00 |
A complete treatment of all aspects of New York matrimonial laws.
Book (Full Set)
New edition Shows how to evaluate options for limited liability companies and partnerships that will meet clients' needs. Book $387.00 |
New edition A thorough, clear, and concise discussion of procedures and law regarding spouse and child support in New York.
An easy-to-use resource for locating New York appellate decisions in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Book $2,371.00 |
The forms in this product enable you to quickly draft documents that comply with New York local government law. Book (Full Set) $6,042.00 |
Forms needed to conduct family law practice is contained in this reference. Book (Full Set) $7,593.00 |
This set provides professionally crafted forms, plus expert practice commentary applicable to every stage of a corporation’s life span. Book (Full Set) $5,094.00 |
Contains hundreds of official and authored forms for every stage of civil litigation in New York. Book (Full Set) $7,008.00 |