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Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters offers comprehensive New York legal resources, including law books, WestlawNext, legal software and automated forms for New York attorneys.
This caselaw reporter contains opinions issued by New York state courts, plus West headnotes, Key Numbers, and other editorial enhancements. Book (Full Set) $35,000.00 |
This treatise discusses the law of insurance in New York and is written for those who deal with insurance claims.
Provides the necessary guidance and forms for resolving both routine and complex New York estate and tax matters. Book $1,347.00 |
The forms in this set help you quickly draft documents that comply with New York statutes. Book (Full Set) $8,495.00 |
Criminal Procedure Law is an informative resource providing forms applicable to every stage of a New York criminal case, from indictment to appeal. Book (Full Set) $4,523.00 |
This book provides substantive and practical overviews of more than 20 causes of action under New York law. eBook - ProView $906.00 |
Unravels the complexities of employment for anyone who deals with employment disputes.
Book (Full Set)
This text is both treatise and procedural guide for the New York family law practitioner.
Book (Full Set)
Text and forms cover law that governs bills of particulars used in New York transactions. Book (Full Set) $776.00 |
Covers every type of will from the most simple to the most sophisticated.