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A complete guide to the code that governs plumbing in buildings constructed under the Ohio Building Code. Book (Full Set) $248.00 |
This title is a single source for Ohio's unique model codes plus state modifications. Book (Full Set) $250.00 |
The full text of the Ohio Fire Code, as established by the state fire marshal. Book (Full Set) $231.00 |
This work is a longtime source for practical, comprehensive coverage of probate law in Ohio.
Book (Full Set)
Presents the model Residential Code, along with state modifications, governing the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of residential buildings. Book (Full Set) $400.00 |
This compilation provides a comprehensive criminal law reference for use in court, office, classroom, or police cruiser.
Book (Full Set)
Presents Ohio’s model Mechanical Codes, along with state modifications, governing construction, installation, maintenance, and repair. Book (Full Set) $225.00 |
A thorough, practical guide to the law of search and seizure, interrogation and confession, and pretrial identification.
This handbook contains complete discussion on issues affecting condominium owners, condominium associations, and real estate practitioners. eBook - ProView $732.00 |
Volume 16 of Ohio Administrative Code covers all rules and regulations relating to youth services, transportation, taxation, veterans services, and other areas. Book $1,353.00 |