Can We Help?
Text of the Ohio Administrative Code, covering rules and regulations relating to medical assistance, food stamps, and human services hearings. Book (Full Set) $2,056.00 |
A one-stop resource for researching and understanding all of Ohio’s state agency rules and regulations. Book (Full Set) $18,191.00 |
Convenient reference covers Ohio land use controls and related planning and economic development issues.
This work is a longtime source for practical, comprehensive coverage of probate law in Ohio.
Book (Full Set)
Transactional forms for every state-specific business situation in Ohio. Book (Full Set) $15,117.00 |
Volume 16 of Ohio Administrative Code covers all rules and regulations relating to youth services, transportation, taxation, veterans services, and other areas. Book $1,297.00 |
A practical guide to the statutes, case law, and regulations governing the administration and operations of Ohio townships.
Book (Full Set)
This work covers rules and regulations relating to natural resources. Book (Full Set) $1,831.00 |
This caselaw reporter contains state court opinions from Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio, plus West headnotes and Key Numbers. Book (Full Set) $15,333.00 |
This work provides in-depth discussion of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure, plus ready-to-use forms.
Book (Full Set)