Can We Help?
This state reporter contains decisions issued by the Virginia Supreme Court and other enhancements. Book (Full Set) $295.00 |
This comprehensive treatise covers all major tort actions in Virginia.
This title gives you comprehensive explanation of civil discovery in the Virginia courts.
This volume provides an in-depth index to the Virginia Practice Series. Book $676.00 |
This WestlawNext™ subscription provides access to this leading legal encyclopedia with over 400 articles covering every topic of federal and state law. |
This title provides information on the parties to a claim and the handling of an accepted or denied claim.
This handbook provides answers for practitioners who have an interest in, or need to know about, Virginia landlord-tenant law.
This how-to guide covers every legal aspect of Virginia business entities, including corporations, limited liability companies, and business trusts.
Obtain step-by-step guidance for criminal cases in Virginia courts with this resource. eBook - ProView $783.00 |
This treatise gives you the blackletter law using Virginia precedents and trends from other jurisdictions. eBook - ProView $854.00 |