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New Product Contains the full text of the California Evidence Code, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and additional codes relevant to evidence. |
New edition Covers all laws and court rules governing family relationships and rights of family members in relationship to one another.
New edition Court Rules provides rules essential to practice before the courts and serves as a comprehensive yet portable procedural law library.
New edition This title provides a convenient general reference for hedge fund managers throughout the life of a hedge fund. |
This title provides the complete text of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and Texas Rules of Evidence, hundreds of case annotations, and detailed explanations of procedure with strategies and practice tips for each phase of litigation. |
New Product Step-by-step practice guide to all the procedures of a criminal prosecution, from initial investigation through trial and verdict. |
New edition This title is designed as an in-court reference tool, offering a quick overview of important topics. Book $704.00 |
New edition This pamphlet is a collection of Official Code provisions for the practice of probate law in South Carolina.
New edition This work covers issues relating to computer software and the often–obscure intersections between intellectual property law and contract, tax, and consumer law.
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New edition This revised edition provides expanded coverage of probate, administration, and litigation.
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