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New edition This title is designed to assist in the preparation of jury instructions in the state of Missouri. Book $831.00 |
New edition Complete and easy access to state laws and regulations dealing with residential mortgage lending.
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New edition This volume contains a full range of forms relating to nearly every California state tax procedure. Book (Full Set) $1,942.00 |
New edition This set provides court rules plus civil practice guides integrating procedural law and secondary sources specific to common court filings. Book (Full Set) $532.00 |
New edition This two-volume publication is a complete collection of California statutes and court rules relating to California criminal law and procedure.
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New edition Get Louisiana statutory criminal law, plus the complete text of Louisiana Code of Evidence with this set. Book $860.00 |
New edition This title provides the complete text of Colorado Title 14 (Domestic Matters), Title 19 (Children's Code), and selected Court Rules.
New edition Covers Iowa's substantive criminal law, including statutes, jury instructions and defenses, as well as sentencing provisions for each statute.
New edition Increase your understanding of the FTC—its history, provisions, jurisdiction, organization, and operating procedures.
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New edition This title provides expert guidance on litigation in the context of securitized loans and accompanying legal issues.
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